Studio Vision
Studio Vision aims to design something vintage. Something modern. Something new. Something funky. Something awkward. Something slick. Something appealing. Something risky. Something artsy. Behind the vision lies an understanding of how we think about design. Whom does it benefit? Whom does it inspire? Whom does it ignore? Studio Vision keeps a critical eye on design while testing the viability of the vision.
I live in Toronto, and I believe that Toronto has an obsession with condo buildings. The common practice of designing these condos in a particular way is predictable, straight-narrow and boring. Where's the creativity? #nowheretobefound
My name is Jenny Meya, and I am of many things. I love designing. I can create all day. My ideas are like revolving doors. I have so many that I tend to grab any piece of paper I can find to sketch it out before it leaves me. (It never does). It's like writing. I'm also a writer. So I tell stories through every art element I embrace—dance, writing, designing, and more. I'd love to connect. Let's create! And remember, always design with love.